The Little Things

He’s in the little things

He was in the crowd at every game

He watched every play

He was always last to eat

He grabbed a late night hamburger

Anything of his, was ours if we needed it

Including his time

He is in the whispers of correction

In every little thing I do, I try to be like him

I feed my family first

I eat the leftovers

I grab a late night burger

I whisper correction to my kids on their level

I give anything my kids need to them

Nothing belongs to me, it all belongs to them

I bear his name. He gave that to me

He built value in that name

He built value in me

Good was never enough

We must always do better, be better

He was proud of me when I couldn’t be proud of myself

I am who I am because of him

He is my example and my guide

I don’t know if I’ll ever live up to his name

But I know he believes I already do

I love you Dad